Legacies of the Void Wiki

Dragons are an ancient race who existed alongside the Primordials. They are powerful and intelligent magical creatures who exist in many different varieties.


Dragons have existed since the dawn of time. They existed alongside the Primordials, in the time before the Gods. Dragons were always self-interested, prideful, and to a certain extent, greedy. However, they couch their desires in terms of honor and "what's right." Dragons are often apt to rationalize some terrible behavior or another due to their high levels of intelligence. Dragons exist from two major categories, Chromatic or Metallic, and there are dozens of subcategories within those.

Metallic Dragons[]

Metallic dragons are accepted to be generally more powerful than their Chromatic counterparts. Throughout history, Dragon society has been ruled by Metallic dragons (such as any Dragon can rule another). Platinum, Golden, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Mercury, and Steel dragons fall under this category, though there are more types than those.

Chromatic Dragons[]

Chromatic dragons are the weaker of the Dragon types, but are still incredibly powerful relative to the rest of the world. They tend to focus their efforts on more small-scale, base desires, such as food or gold. Chromatic dragons can be any color imaginable.

Dragon Powers[]

The type of power a Dragon contains and uses varies. It can be elemental, psychic, or physical. Many Dragons are able to change shape, taking on the likeness of a humanoid.

History and Society[]

While Dragons are generally self-sufficient and tend not to involve themselves in any sort of "Dragon government," there is an accepted hierarchy among dragons. The most powerful Dragon is considered to be the leader, and Dragons must heed his bidding. In the time of the Primordials, the leader was Malakai, the Golden Dragon, until he was defeated by Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. Bahamut led the Dragons in a war against the Primordials and eventually they were defeated, leading to a new rule by the Council of Three.


The Dragonborn were created by the Dragons as slaves many years ago. They are humanoid, but created in the likeness of the Dragons, and therefore have similar categories (Chromatic vs Metallic). However, scale type is not a determiner of status in Dragonborn culture as it is with true Dragons.

When Bahamut became leader, he freed the Dragonborn from slavery.
